For The Good Of So Many, We Stand On The Shoulders Of Those Who Came Before.
The United States for many a year has been the bastion of freedom, ambition, hard work, family and the best in humanity. From little old New Zealand, Web Wonks has been so fortunate to use and enhance the amazing products offered by Google. In more recent years, the technology offered by Microsoft has powered incredible productivity gains for the business.
Web Wonks is proud to have forged new and innovative products based upon the Google and Microsoft product stack, from which we can offer Americans a smarter online solution. Best of all, we believe we can deliver our digital marketing solutions cheaper, and more effectively than ever before.
We know the pathway to having a Studio in every state of the United States, but we are emboldened by the spirit of the American people. We truly believe that a partnership between Kiwis, Filipinos, and Americans is one that will yield incredible success.
We relish the challenge!
Committed To Our Local Community!
Web Wonks is committed to local communities, but as the United States is so vast and large, we think the best way to support local communities is to pay more taxes. Yeah, we know, taxes sucks, trust us we don’t exactly like paying taxes, but we agree with the principle.
Our plan for supporting ALL communities in America, is to grow a strong network of Studios, one in every state of the country. This is our commitment to the people of the United States, the bigger we grow, the more tax we pay, no tax dodging shenanigans. Federal, State, and Local, if we owe, we will pay it.
Even more important is our commitment to employ as many Americans as we can. We want to employ local staff and have local Studio ownership. Web Wonks is absolutely committed to the statement: